There’s a reason flowers are the perfect Valentine’s gift … especially this year
Quick. What’s the greatest love poem of all time?
Odds are you answered “I don’t know.” Which proves you are not the romantic soul your beloved wishes you to be.
Or, if you are in fact a great romantic, then you answered “That would be ‘A Red, Red Rose’ by Robert Burns.” Thus proving that you know poetry, history and women.
So here’s the thing: Valentine’s Day is nearly here. And even the least romantic of guys knows that flowers are what a man is supposed to give a woman for Valentine’s. It’s been like that for a very long time … at least since Burns, widely regarded as a national treasure in Scotland, wrote that poem way back in 1794. Flowers are now forever tied to the idea of love.
But this year– some 229 years after Burns’ put quill to paper – that poem and its simile of a beloved woman as a flower is more powerful, more popular and more romantic than at any time in the past two centuries. Because this is the year that the woman you love may have learned to love that poem; this is the year she may have cried when she heard it. Because this is the year a recitation of “A Red, Red Rose” was the final scene in the romantic television series that has swept the world.
We’ll explain more about that in a moment. But first, it’s time to order some flowers.

Buying Flowers for Valentine’s Day
Taelor has teamed with renowned florist Designer Blooms to create a gift-giving opportunity solely for members of Taelor this Valentine’s season.
Designer Blooms is offering an exclusive product collection for Taelor customers based on their love profile. There are five such profiles to choose from, including Romantic (our personal favorite) and Practical (made of dried flowers that will last forever.) There’s even one that contains only flowers that are Pet-Friendly. That’s a wise choice if you’re unsure if she loves you or her puppy more.
Designer Blooms is a family-run company with roots in both Canada and the Philippines. Isa Garcia-Sicam is an executive with the company. She says things have changed dramatically since her parents launched the the company three decades ago. For example, Designer Blooms has caught the attention of celebrities such as Selma Blair, Kristen Dunst, and Jessica Alba, who have posted photos of their flowers on Instagram and turned Designer Blooms into a famous provider of high-end, premium floral arrangements..
Valentine’s Day itself has also changed, according to Isa. “Celebrating Valentine's Day now isn't just always about romance. It could be more about friendships, or people who are brought brought together through things like love of the outdoors or animals,” she said. “So that’s broadened how people celebrate now.”
So peruse the options that Designer Blooms is offering to Taelor customers. Pick the one most suitable, and Designer Blooms will craft a bouquet that says what you long to say.
Designer Blooms is the perfect choice for buying flowers. The company has been creating beautiful arrangements for 30 years. It’s attention to detail and its understanding of the subtle beauty and power of flowers makes Designer Blooms a florist of unmatched skill.
Designer Blooms is also noted for its practicality.
Designer Blooms offers
Easy Tracking: Buyers can track the precise delivery time and location.
Design Accuracy: What you order is what your loved one receives. Traditional flower sites provide a corporate catalog and rely on local flower shops to follow it, but often, these shops alter designs based on materials and personal preferences.
Your love may be forever. But time is short. Valentine’s Day is almost here. In the Bay Area of California or around Vancouver, Designer Blooms can take orders until nearly the start of Valentine’s Day. But for people in much of the U.S. the cutoff date for orders is noon on Feb. 12th. So order your flowers now.
The recitation of A Red, Red Rose that has women in tears this year
Here’s why flowers are even more important this year than in previous years.
In an era of fragmented entertainment when everyone is watching their own feeds on their own phones, it’s not common for a television series to capture hearts around the world.
But it does happen sometimes.
The most recent example is the global success of “All Creatures Great and Small,” a multi-season series from Masterpiece Theater based on the beloved novels about a veterinarian in rural England in the years around World War II.
If you’re a fan, you know the story. If you’re not a fan, here’s what you need to know this Valentine’s Day: “All Creatures Great and Small” tells the story of a great love between two young adults: James and Helen.
A few weeks ago, the fourth season began streaming here in the U.S.. In final episode of the season, the war has begun and James, played by Scottish actor Nicholas Ralph, must report for duty in the Royal Air Force. So he bids farewell to Helen and their newborn child, boards a bus, and looks at the wedding photo he carries in his jacket.
As we watch James pull away, we hear him he recite “A Red, Red Rose” in the actor’s authentic Scottish accent.

There has not been a more romantic moment on television in many, many years.
Perhaps the woman you love has already seen the episode. If so, she’ll be touched to know that you know about James and Helen. If she has not seen it, one of the more romantic things you could do this year is to give her flowers and then watch the series with her. Or, at the least, watch the last few moments of the last episode of Season 4. It’s free for PBS members. Or you can buy it on some streaming platforms.
Then she will know that your love is true, and that should the day ever come when the two of you must part, you will return “Though it were ten thousand mile.”
Red, Red Rose
O my Luve is like a red, red rose
That’s newly sprung in June;
O my Luve is like the melody
That’s sweetly played in tune.
So fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in luve am I;
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
Till a’ the seas gang dry.
Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi’ the sun;
I will love thee still, my dear,
While the sands o’ life shall run.
And fare thee weel, my only luve!
And fare thee weel awhile!
And I will come again, my luve,
Though it were ten thousand mile.